11:58 PM

Bunch of Rambles

I cannot believe that in just a few days I will be heading back to America. Wow. I have so much that I want to tell you all, so this might be a long post and broken up into a few different sections. Things have been moving so fast around here, I am so sorry to have fallen short on my blog, but like I said it is not priority.

I am overwhelmed with emotions thinking about all that God has done this summer. Looking back at these eight weeks I see so much change in myself, my teammates, and the students we have met. This truly has been a season of restoration and redemption for so many of us. Trying to put into words all that has taken place almost seems like an impossible task.

Yesterday we had a farewell party after church. It consisted of the usual fun, games, songs and food. But we also had a time where the Americans said goodbye and the Thai students were able to talk. Needless to say it was very emotional. When the students shared their heart with us on what this summer has meant to them it just assured me once again that this is the Lords will for us to be here this summer. I will share a few of the stories with you.

Oma is such a sweet guy. A few weeks ago our teammate Stewart just happen to meet him as he was getting a bottle of water. Oma had heard the gospel several years ago but never seeked to know any more about it. However some situations in his life recently have caused him to rethink everything. Oma told Stewart that just a day before they met he prayed to God that if he was real that he would send someone to tell him more about himself. The next day he met Stewart, who was just getting a bottle of water at his cafeteria. Stewart was able to share the gospel with him, and Oma is now seeking to know Jesus, seeking to know the truth. When Oma told us his story and how he feels when he hears scripture it puts a fire in my heart. I cannot describe the feeling, but it was no accident that Stewart or any of us here on this team are meant to be here. Anytime we are in a group setting, most of the time Oma is over reading the bible, trying to find truth. I'm amazed, and will never forget this guys heart.

Quwang- Don’t worry if you don’t know her now, you will meet her in heaven. Quwang accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior this past week. She thanked us continually for giving up our summer to come share Jesus with her so that she can spend forever with him. That right there is enough reason for coming, just that once little sentence. Pray for her as she seeks to understand what it is like to live like a christian. But how neat it is to know she needs to know nothing more except all she knows now, Jesus. Praise the Lord!

We had so many students reveal their heart to us, cry for us not to leave, give us presents, and tell us how much they love us. I have seen many wonderful and amazing things while on this trip, but the honest truth, the most beautiful things I have seen thus far is the hearts of these students. When I came to Thailand my goal was to tell these people about Jesus, but I never thought in a million years I would grow to love them so much. It is going to be so hard to say goodbye not to the “students” but to my dear friends. They are some of the sweetest people I have ever met, so selfless and giving.

Wow, I just have so many things I want to say, and I don’t know how to put it into words. I guess its just an impossible thing to try to explain the power of the Holy Spirit, and how evident it its that its working here.

Sorry I am so scatter-brained. I just do not want to leave. I keep thinking about how my expectations for this trip have been far far exceeded. The Lord has done far beyond what I could have ever imagined. He has blessed us beyond measure and equipped us to do the impossible. Today is a Buddhist holiday, so there are no classes, many students have gone to the temples, but many have chosen to stay here with us. I know when we get on that plane on Friday it will not be the end to what God has begun here. I have a desire in my heart to come back to Bangkok, and continue to build these growing relationships that have started this summer.

If I could try in the smallest bit to sum up what I have learned this summer it would be this. To abide in Christ, find your identity in Christ, to pray and seek wisdom in Christ, to trust that Christ has a perfect plan, and that his plan will work out. This morning while having my quiet time in the coffee shop downstairs I read about how God called Moses to do the impossible. In Exodus we see how Moses made many excuses to God on why he should not be the one to do what the Lord asked of him. He thought he was incapable, not wise enough, not strong enough, and he flat out just did not want it to be him. And through his conversation with God, trying to convince him to send someone else God said “ I will be with you” and “ I will help both (him and Aaron) of you speak and will teach you what to do”! Wow! Even Moses was scared to do what God called him to do, but God was with him. I felt the EXACT same way when I was coming here. I had my tickets I was packed and I knew no matter what I was spending two months in Thailand, but I was terrified. I was scared that I would be alone, that I would not have the answers, that I would do something wrong, and in all honesty there were moments that as exciting as this adventure sounded I just flat out didn’t want it to be me. But just as God fulfilled his promise to Moses, he has fulfilled it with me. He has been with me, evey moment of every day. He has given me the words to say to these students, when I flat out do not have a clue what to say. We must remember that “ apart from him we can do nothing”, and we cant. Yes we can spend a summer in a foreign land, but to have students come to know Christ and to seek the truth in such a dark city, that my friend is all God!

My God, he is mighty to save, let him use you, I promise you will not regret it.

Surrender a time in your life that you can say, “God this time is for you, use me, brake me, send me.” You do not have to be a college student, and you don’t even have to come to Asia, you just have to surrender. I have met many elderly couples this summer that in retirement felt they needed to come to Thailand for a Summer. I have also met many young family's that have dropped everything they had and came to serve the Lord. Its not impossible, in fact its very very possible. Do you remember me and my story? How I had a mile long list of things that kept me from coming to Thailand this summer, and in just a few weeks all those “impossible” things that kept me from coming just “somehow” worked themselves out? Well it did, and I came, and I am forever changed. The Lord has allowed me to see this nation in so many aspects, from the village to the city, from the mountains to the beach, and from the saved to the lost. If I could have ever thought up a perfect trip it would not even come close to the trip He has planned for me.

I could go on, and will soon. So many more things I want to share. Still have not blogged about the beach, but I am heading to meet with some students.

Remember, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Love you all!