4:28 AM


Well good middle of the night to you Americans, and afternoon to the Thia’s. Don’t think any Thia’s are ready this, but if they were…good afternoon.

Today is Wednesday here, my day off. Once again its just about the best thing ever to have a day off. God was good to us when he ordered to have a day of rest, why is it that so many of us forget to obey that order?? I slept until about nine o’clock and when I woke up I had a really bad headache. I have continued to have it most of the day. This puts a damper on my day off plans, but none the less it has been fabulous. I was able to skype with Jonathan this morning, that was wonderful. I think skype and facebook are two of the best inventions for people away from friends and family.
Ever since I have been here I have had a craving for Mexican food. Last week a friend here found a Mexican food place, but also paid a hefty price, 35 bucks! I was determined NOT to have to pay half of my weekly budget to calm my cravings. So after some asking and looking I found some WONDERFUL Mexican food at a really cheap price! The ones off today went to check it out. We rode the sky train a few miles to a really cute little shopping center. Once we found the Mexican food I had a burrito, no it was not a BigDeal burrito from Crane, but for Bangkok Mexican it was five star.

After eating our “last meal” worthy burritos, we found a nice little dessert cafĂ©, called “ There is always room for dessert” . It smell was heavenly, wow. And our dessert was prolly some of the best dessert I have ever had. It was a brownie with hot fudge and ice cream, but was made from the best ingredients. Yeah we paid for it all right, but oh so worth it. I will have to run some stairs later to work it all off.
This week has found its ups and its downs. We all can tell personal stories of Gods successes, and our failures here this week, but I will only share with you mine.
After I blogged on Monday, Eve came to see me. I have been so happy that not only have I pursued her, but she as well has made effort to come talk to us. She came in and asked if she could take me to the zoo. I was a little in shock and asked when. She then went on to explain that she had a day off and really wanted to hang out. She asked my partner as well and said her friend View would be there as well. We actually already have plans to go to the zoo one Saturday so I asked if we could go to the aquarium. After talking with my supervisor we both thought that it was very important that I went. So me and my partner, Ashley, took the rest of the day off to spend with the girls.
Before we left Ashley and I prayed that God not only would protect us but that he would also give us the right opportunities to share with these girls.
We took the skytrain across Bangkok to the nicest mall in town, Siam Paragon. This is where the most expensive restaurants, and shops are. It is very beautiful, with fountains and amazing architecture. I was really hoping that I would have a chance to visit Siam, so was thrilled to be there.
The aquarium was at Siam as well. I am not big into fish, so it was ok. Once you have been to an aquarium you have been to them all. But it was a great time to build relationships with these students. They wanted to do the biggest package, so we did lots of extra things. We went on a behind the scenes tour, and rode the glass bottom boats. The funnest thing we did, however, was the “happy feet”. This is something than many Thai’s do. You stick you feet into a tank full of little fish. The fish then proceed to nibble away the dead skin from your feet. It tickles soooo much. Typically I would not do something like this, because I am a major germafob, but I was glad I did it. We had lots of giggles. Eve and View love taking pictures, so we took plenty. I will share in a bit…
After we shopped and hung out we had to head back. Ashley and I had a meeting so we had to part ways, but it was a great day.

The next day was Ashley's day off, so I was not sure if Eve would come to visit us. But sure enough she did. I, the Texas team, and all the Americans prayed for these girls the previous night at our meeting so I really was hoping that God would give me a chance to talk to them about Jesus. Eve told me she had class all day but it actually ended up being cancelled, so I was able to take Eve and View to lunch.
Ruth Anne, my supervisor Tim's daughter, came to translate for me. I asked the girls to take a quiz for me that just let me gage where they stood and how receptive they would be to hearing the gospel. The quiz asked basically if they knew who Jesus was and if they wanted to know more. It was only about ten questions long.
Both of them took it willingly. Their answers were expected but at the same time discouraging. Long story short, Eve basically told Ruth that she felt she already knew all she needed to know about Jesus. She said that she thinks Christianity and Buddhist are very similar and she is satisfied with being Buddhist. View actually asked us a few more questions about how Jesus forgives sin. Some other things were said, but this was the just of it.
At the moment, I felt defeated. There were so many things I wanted to say to these girls but just knew it was not the right time. But then I felt an overwhelming peace from the Lord. I know that this is the Lords work and not mine. He will have to be the one to lift the vial from these girls eyes so that they can see the truth. He will have to be the one to bring them unto his wing. He will have to be the one to reveal to them that there is a hope that is found in his son Jesus that cannot be found in any other religion. HE WILL HAVE TO BE THE ONE…. But for me.. I just have to be there to listen, and when the time is right to speak.
If everything were on my timing no telling what would go on, but its not. Yes I would have loved to have these girls ask questions all day, but they didn’t, and that’s ok. I think however, this is the time to pray for these girls like we have never done before. I pray that what we said irritates them in a way that they want to search for the truth.
We spent the rest of the afternoon together learning English. They acted the same, wonderful to be around. I know this barrier is not the end, but just another way that makes me trust in the Lord.
These are just two of the girls that we have talk to, there are numerous more. Some have wanted to hear everything there is to know, while others have walked away and not returned.

I cant believe it is the middle of the summer. I have been here a month and have a month to go. In some ways it feels like I have been here forever, and in others I feel like it was yesterday that I got of the plane. But before I know it I will be on that plane going home. I once again will say that God has a perfect plan for this team this summer. We cant change this nation, but God can. I have already seen some amazing things and been comforted so many times by the Holy Spirit. I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. I have begun to love all the noises, and sights, even some of the food. But other then the dessert place from today, the smells are still not my best friend. It has been such an eye opening experience to me to live in a culture so very different, but in a lot of ways, so very similar to mine. I really hope that this next month will be just as good or even greater then the first. I honestly am not looking forward to the day I go home. I cannot wait to see my family, but I love it here. (no mom I'm not going to move here..)
I hope that I can continue to experience the culture and make friends. The Thai people are just such amazing people.
There is so much going on all the time that its hard for me to know what to share, and remember what I have. I would love to answer any questions yall might have about anything.
Continue to pray that God will move these mountains.

8:42 PM

Some days you just ought to ride an elephant.

Hello Blog World. I hope your side of the world is getting along ok. Saw the oil spill is still not contained, the media over America here is sounding like there are some hard times over there. Keep me updated as well!

As for here, things are wonderful. These last couple of days I have just felt an overwhelming peace that God has his hands in all the situations we are encountering. We are continuing to build relationships with these students and many of them have begun to turn into friendships. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with the Thai people. They truly are such a joy to be around. I am reminded of the verse in James that says “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

We really do serve a God whose love is consistent. Pray that we are reminded daily that all good things, blessings, and our wisdom comes from the Lord and that he is unchanging. Many of these students are just that to us, gifts.

As many of you might have seen tagged photos on facebook, we had a bit of an adventure on Saturday. We took about 35 Thai university students to see the ruins of the old ancient capital of Thailand. Here we got to ride elephants.

The elephant shows were so neat. It really seemed as if they were humans dressed up as elephants. They were trained so well, kind of makes you wonder how they train them. Riding the elephants was an experience. How often do you get to say you rode an elephant through ancient ruins of Thailand? Not often. It was so funny while on the elephants because we just kept saying, "I’m on an elephant". At one point we were close to a street and I looked down and saw a guy on a motor-scooter, I yelled down at him "Hey just so you know down there I am on an elephant"! He had absolutely no clue what I was saying but he looked up and laughed!
(sidenote- sometimes its really funny how you can use the language barrier as a laughter relief, no telling what they are saying about us!)

Once we were off the elephants we went up and hiked around parts of the ruins. I think this was one of the oldest things I had ever seen. I am not sure of the exact date but it is several thousand years old. To us they were just historical markers with impressive architecture, good photo-shoot spot. But to the Thai's they were spiritual monuments in which they gave praise. Again, it is so hard to see these people putting their faith into something that is dead or non existent. How empty and hollow of a world it must be to not be filled with the Holy Spirit. I am so thankful that I serve a God that not only is the author of salvation, but also fills me with a never ending fountain of love and peace. While at the ruins I prayed that the people there would be filled with the peace that can only be found from our God.

Eve and View went with us on Saturday as well. I am so thankful we got to spend the day with them. They love being around us. I am really excited to see where this relationship goes with these girls. I know they are entirely lost, but I also feel in my heart that they are searching. Pray that God shows us how to be an example to them, so through us they can see him.

There are several other students here that some of the American got to share Christ with. A few names are, Off, Awf, Nice, and Ake. Please pray that these students are broken and hear the gospel.

Yesterday we had church again. We hung out with several students and then went to the park. This will be the case every Sunday. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with the Thai Christians. I love how the church truly acts as one body and a family. They truly love one another, we can learn so much from them.

I am heading to have lunch with a girl named Fern! Hope it goes well!

12:55 AM

What a Joy!

I am sitting here smelling like fish sauce because I split it on me at lunch. I feel sorry for those around me, I stink. But other then the fish sauce today has been stupendous!!!

We spent most of our morning prayer walking the campus. I believe in the power of prayer and that God can do big and mighty things when we call upon his name. I am so thankful we had the chance to do this today. We prayed, and would love for you to pray with us as well, for the protection of the American students while on campus, for opportunity with students on campus, for the Lords guidance and direction, for the students we have met and will continue to meet, and many more things.

Eve called me at lunch and wanted to come join me. She is just the sweetest girl; I have a major burden on my heart for her. We were able spend all afternoon together working on our English. It was fun for me to teach her, and she was a great learner. Tomorrow her and three of her friends are going with us to Utia, the old ancient capital of Thailand, for the day. Pray that God can cultivate these relationships and that he uses tomorrow as a way for our friendship to strengthen. Eve already told me that she would ride elephants with me, I am pretty stoked!!

Tonight we have a hang out night at the church, should be great fun. Of course girls and guys on mission trips prank each other, its inevitable. I am a bit worried on the guys comeback to the girls after we TP'ed their rooms last night. Made me feel like I was back in youth! Fun times acting silly and totally immature. Again I am thankful for the team God sent here to spend the summer together. We all feel like we have known each other for years, it’s been great.

Can’t wait for tomorrow, should be a blast! Pray everything goes well!

1:31 AM

There is no title, I am not creative.

Hello All!

Well I know I have not posted in a few days, it has been very busy. But finally today it is my day off. I am so in need of a day off. It has been none stop since we arrived in Bangkok. This morning I went over to the church and made myself a nice bowl of oatmeal, and then I came back and did a load of laundry on our balcony and hung everything out to dry. Very domestic sounding I know. Today I plan on having an“Amy” day where I can read, watch tv, or whatever I want to. And then about four o'clock I am going to the movies with everyone. It is 60 baht movie night, less then two dollars. Plus, its at the nicest theater in town. Cant pass that up!

This week has been great and challenging. Several people on our team have felt ill and worn out. I am thankful that I have felt well, but the worn out part is another story. But none the less God has done some really neat things this week that reminds us that he is the one in control.

Sunday we attended our first church service at Canaan baptist church. This is the church that is coordinating our trip. Church was wonderful, and much needed. I loved the worship because they sang American worship songs, and hymns so that we all could sing together, but in two different languages of course. We sang , Sing sing sing, One Way Jesus, Here I am to worship, From the inside out, How Great is Our God, and How can I keep from singing. These are songs that I have sung numerous times during worship at the BSM. It was the weirdest and coolest feeling singing them here in Thailand though. I can vividly remember praying to God to provide a way for me to go to Thailand while singing some of those songs. And here I was, in Thailand, once again praising the same Father of all the nations. Some of the things God can do and provide for have just amazed me. He is not a God in a box for sure.

Then we sang How great thou art, and To God be the Glory. I love both of these songs sooo much. But while we were singing To God be the Glory I felt very hungry for roast all of the sudden since that is the song we sang at the end of church in Crane growing up. Wrong maybe, but funny all the same. If all I had was some roast in my tummy I would be good to go!

After church we had a good ol' fashion baptist pot-luck. It was so yummy, they even made spaghetti for the Americans. We stayed at the church all afternoon and played games with some students we invited over. About two o'clock the phone rang and it was one of the girls, Eve, we had taken to JJ market the night before wanting to know what I was doing. I was sooo thrilled that she called me. I told her to meet me down the street if she wanted to come hang out with the Americans for the afternoon. She agreed and I went and picked her and her friend View up and brought them back to church. They asked me what I had done all morning and told them I went to church to praise Jesus. ( these are the same girls that I showed the cross to the day before) When I told them we would be hanging out at the church that just smiled and said that was fine. They came in and I taught them how to play Thai Uno. They were wonderful.

We had planned to have a few short English games with the students and also sing some worship songs with them. It was really neat seeing these girls singing the songs. They kept just reading the words over and over. Then one of the American students got up and shared their testimony and the gospel. I prayed that Eve and View would continue to listen and receive what they heard.

After we ate a snack at the church and all the games were done, everyone went to the park. Eve and View also joined us. This was a great time for the non-christian Thai students to get to know the Thai Christians in an informal environment. The park was beautiful! There were family's all over riding bikes, flying kites, and having picnics. We all played ultimate frisbee. View and Eve really enjoyed playing frisbee. They left about six but said they had a wonderful time. I really am burden for these two girls, I hope that God can cultivate our relationship so when the time is right I can share the gospel with them again.

Sidestory- The church ladies brought carved watermelons to the park for everyone to eat. I had never seen anything like it. I will have to post a picture. These ladies carved baskets full our flowers out of watermelons. It is an art that I had never seen. I asked one of them to teach me and she said she would but she could only teach me how to make a leaf because it take years to master the skill. Oh well, guess watermelons carving is not my calling.


The last couple of days have been great at SPU University. Monday Eve called me to go eat with her and View for lunch. When I got there another girl that I had eaten lunch a few days earlier with was there also. I didn't know they were friends with Zang but it just helped us all connect more. (FYI- all Thai students make nicknames for themselves. Some of them can be quite funny. Here are a few from my notebook that I have met. Mob, dook, Benz, Dream, Ice, Boat, A, Dig, Nuy, Best, Ning, Off, Bell, Fern, Den. It is really funny to hear their nicknames)

The Texas students once again had to give a presentation to a class about Texas. We were told to talk for about an hour over the culture and lifestyle of Texas. I don't think any of these students picked up on a single thing we said about Texas. Oh well.

We have run into several of the same students and many are starting to recognize us on campus now. Amy is about the only name that these students can say, so when I walk on campus I hear my name shouted everywhere. Yesterday I walked into a classroom and I heard about 30 voices say “ AmIEEE”, it was really funny.

There is one guy on campus that works at a coffee shop called “love milk”. He calls me Miss Universe. Talk about building up ones self-confidence. Ha ha He is weird, I stay away from there. Ha ha

We are really seeing how God is providing us opportunity and relationship within the campus. This is our starting point for these relationships. Pray that God continues to use us on this campus and allow us to reconnect with the students that we meet. We call many of the students back and they hang up on us. This can be frustrating. But when you find a student such as Eve, we know it is worth all the trails that we must encounter and persevere through.

Night life-

I really enjoy the night time in Bangkok. It is so beautiful with all the lights and sounds. Most nights we do things with the entire group. Such as last night we went and sang karaoke. It was in a bowling ally. But to call this a bowling ally far misleads what it really is. This was the nicest, most swanky bowling ally that I had ever seen. There were people dressed up in suits bowling. It was so pretty and nice. They had several karaoke rooms that were really impressive lounges. It was the strangest thing to be in such a nice place that was a bowling ally/karaoke club. The students had so much fun singing songs with us.

We met two SPU students on the bus yesterday that had just moved to Thailand. One was from Indonesia and the other from, I think, Buton. Neither of them knew Thai but both knew English. They were very discouraged because they had just moved here to study and felt very homesick and out of place. We invited them to dinner and to hang out. Pray that these are some guys that we can impact. The American guys on the team said they really felt like this was a opportunity that God gave them. We all prayed that they would come with us tonight, we must wait and see.

As for me I am doing wonderful. I want to thank everyone who is praying and I hope will continue to pray for me. I know the Lord is already doing some amazing things. I am broken for these students and I hope that God will come in a change their lives. I told my mother there is no other place I would rather be right now because I know he Lord is using me. As much fun as I am having there are still those moments where I am clueless and left feeling defeated. Today I was reading in James about the wisdom of God and where it comes from. Scripture clearly tell us that wisdom comes from the Lord if we believe he will give it to us. I believe with my entire heart that the Lord will give us the wisdom needed to connect with these students. I know he will continue to direct us in the direction we are suppose to go. There have been a few moments in which I have felt tired, but at the same time so smothered in the Lords comfort and grace. Last night as our team was having our devotional we prayed that the Lord would show us his power. The entire time we were reading scripture there was a rainstorm, and then during prayer time it kept thundering like I had never heard it before. I felt so small and covered by the Lord. Just hearing the thunder alone reminds us that he is in ultimate control. Our team started giggling after prayer just because we felt so small and incapable by ourselves, but so filled by the mighty God that we serve. He is mighty, and BIG.

Time here is going fast, cant believe it almost been three weeks. I know that God can change this nation in a short amount of time. I just hope his timing is while I am here. I will blog again very soon! Sorry its so long!

7:32 AM

put some photos on facebook

put up some photos on facebook. Have not gotten them all up and have not gotten to put captions on. If you see me tagged in any photos some of the other americans have taken some amazing pictures so check out those albums. Put up two other post today.. they might have been knocked off.

6:19 AM

Dear Daddy

So tomorrow is Fathers day and if you don't mind I thought I would give a little shout out to my best-est buddy in the whole world, my daddy.

God has blessed me beyond measure with God fearing and God loving parents. I cannot tell you enough how much these two people mean to me. When I wanted to come on this trip to Thailand the first thing that crossed my mind was how in the world am I going to convince my parents to let me hop on a plane, cancel all my plans for the summer, and move to Bangkok. I knew it would be impossible. Not that I think my parents were just stubborn, but I thought that any parent would say no. So I began to pray, and pray hard. I mentioned it to my parents and they kindly listened and said they would think about it. But then one day my dad called me while I was cooking supper and told me he had been praying about it and he really felt that I should go to Thailand. I remember getting off the phone and just crying because I knew if I had my dads support that I could, and would make it to Thailand. Now I am not saying it was easy on them to let me get on a plane in go half way around the world, in fact it was far opposite of easy. They were honest, loving, caring and excited; but they were also terrified, sad, and scared. How hard it must be to let your child move around the world. But I knew I would be ok...

I would be ok because no matter how far away from my family I might be they never are to far to support me. My dad has told me for many many years that I am a survivor. When I was walking through the jungle I could hear him saying it, when I am exhausted and hot I can hear him saying it. My father has taught me to stay strong, have fun, and trust the Lord. Of course my father is far from perfect, we all are. But one thing my daddy is perfect at being is teaching me to do whatever it takes to follow the Lord. He has always supported me, poured into me and loved me. I am blessed beyond measure to have parents that raised me in the word. I told my mom when I left that they should know that they have accomplished what they promised the church they would do when I was an infant. To raise me in a way that I can glorify the name of Christ. Not to be self-righteous at all, but what better place to have your child on fathers day then right where God wants her.

Daddy, I hope you know I love you with my whole entire heart. Thank you for being the man in my life that always will love me no matter what. Thank you for letting me take this adventure that God has allowed me to have. Thank you for showing me that I have a heavenly father that loves me more then you or momma ever could comprehend. Thank you for being my friend, my dad, and most of all my buddy. I am honored to be your daughter. I will never know a man as smart as you. I love you very much. I cannot wait to see you in July. Happy fathers day!!!!!!!

6:17 AM

quick update

The Texas team woke up early and caught a bus to the University. They were having a freshman orientation and invited us to introduce ourselves. We had to get up and speak in front of about six hundred students. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Well we prayed for opportunity and the Lord defiantly gave it to us. The professor that we are working with is requiring all freshman engineer students to come and talk with one of the Texas students before we leave. They must do this for a grade and we must sign off that they do it. This is WONDERFUL for us, meaning that we now WILL get to have a conversation with EVERY SINGLE freshman engineering student. How neat! This professor has opened up many doors for us, I pray we can impact him as well.

Tonight we took students that we have met during the week to the market. I had no idea that JJ market is the largest outdoor market IN THE WORLD! Talk about big and talk about a lot of stuff. We had several students show up and a few that I had invited myself. We had so much fun! I bought all my girls that came matching bracelets, they loved them. They kept buying me stuff too. We actually found a entire Texas corner that sold Texas stuff and played country music. I got to show the students lots of cool things. Tomorrow some of those girls are coming to church and then lunch at the park. I really hope this is the beginning of something. I cannot tell you enough how amazing it is to see the language barrier go right out the window. We could not communicate with our mouths at all, but that did not stop us from having a great time.

While we were shopping one of the girls stopped and picked up a figuring of buddah and showed me. I listened to her and then I looked down and there was a cross with Jesus hanging on it right next to the buddahs. This is the first Jesus figuring I have seen since I have been here, and there was only one there. I got to pick up the Jesus and show it to her. I asked her if she knew who Jesus was and she said he was God. I said she was correct and then she giggled and walked off. It was not much, but it was a moment. I am thankful for those small moments.

Im going to try to get some good rest tonight. Hope all is well on your side of the world!!

10:23 AM

Long day

What a day, just such a great God breathed day. I felt re-energized and ready to hit the ground running this morning. Last night the Texas team had a wonderful time of worship and fellowship with each other. Just the six of us dug into the word and really worked some things out. I will be honest that we are tired, and dragging. We all feel like it is taking a while to get into the groove of things and that we have not slowed down since we landed in Bangkok. And the truth is really we have not.

There is something about being with people alllll of the time and not having any “Amy” that gets to you after a few weeks. Texas is going through philippines right now as a team. Our team prayed that we could have the heart of Jesus making nothing of ourselves and being servants. While walking on campus I keep telling myself to” do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better then myself.” Its very hard not to want to find a cool place to sit down, or to seek students that are of the same nature as yourself. But if we pray for God to send the people to us that need to be sent then we must be confident in that prayer. I ask you to join in the prayer that our team encounters those and receives those that we are suppose to. I pray that the Lord lifts the vail that is between us and them, so that they not only will hear the gospel, but that it will remain and resonate in their hearts and minds. Please pray that we learn to honestly not do things out of selfish ambition. Pray that the Lord continues to build us up in the word and in our prayer lives.

I am very thankful that the Lord has reminded our team once again of our purpose. In everything I want to be selfless and have the heart of a servant that is joyful. I praise God that coming together as believers can give you the boost you need to be ready to hit the road going.

On to today...

So we got to the campus and met with some international students. These students were very fluent in their english so it was very fun to have more then a short conversation with them. They also were business students so this was so much fun for me. I actually got to go to a international management class to help students. I had actually taken this class last semester. Some of the students were very confused on their assignments and the teacher actually allowed me to help them out. Talk about opportunity and fun for me.... I felt smart.. ha ha ha. I got several numbers from these students so hopefully I will be able to contact them again. I could have stayed in those classes all day for fun, but really could not. We went on yet another tour of this very small campus. Every new student we have thinks we have not seen their campus yet, and insist on taking us on a tour. Let me tell you, I can show you around anywhere. We went on a tour of the media center today as well, it was interesting.

I connected very well with the girls that took us around today. They continually asked me to go out and party with them tonight. Of course I wouldn't but it was neat to get to explain to them why I would not. I know that these girls are going to be hard to minister to but I hope that God gives me more opportunity with the girls. I hope that I can share the gospel with them soon.

Tonight after a very loooonnng bus ride through the city, we went to “Friday night life” at the baptist student center. Friday night life is a program that teaches english in a fun way. There were many many many Americans there that are from all over the country. They are there serving as full/ part time missionaries. It was fun to meet them.

When we got there each American sat with about three other Thai people. We sang American songs, played a game, and gave a lesson. The best part was the singing. Best thing ever. They were trying to teach them the sounds of R, V, and L tonight. So the song choices that had these sound in them were quite hilarious to say the least. We sang, L.O.V.E (l is for the way you look at me.. o is for the only one is see...) we sang love potion number nine, and country roads take me home. I LOVED it.. we are still singing the songs. I just have no clue how or why they picked those songs to sing, soooo funny for the Americans to see these THAI people trying to sing these songs. We also sang one worship song.

The way they teach is very smart and interesting. They are going through the alphabet and talking about biblical words. Tonight we talked about the word “declare”. We talked about synonyms, meanings, tenses ect. They were suppose to tell things they declared, and then at the end they had to fill our a passage using the words they used. The passage was, “ the heavens declare the glory of God. No one has ever seen God but Jesus has declared him. Jesus was not just a man but he was a God born to man. All Christians declare Christ because he has changed their lives and they love him”

As simple as it was they still hear things about Jesus. I was very impressed with their teaching styles and was so happy to have been able to help. I hope that I will be able to help out at the BSC more often. Pray for these missionaries that they can continue to pour into these people, help them with English, and share the gospel with them.

Today I saw the spots where all the protesting took place. It is a very pretty part of town. If you were wondering, as of now everything is back to normal. It was very strange walking on the very streets in which I had seen on CNN just a few weeks ago. I got some photos of some of the burnt buildings. We also road the sky-train tonight. I cant get over how clean public transportation is. When we got back to the hotel we all piled in a room to watch the world cup. It was a fun time with all the Americans. We have been blessed to all get along. I know some life long friendships are being made. Right now its pouring outside, and I am snuggled up ready to go to bed.

Tomomrrow we are taking several students to JJ, a street market. Pray that students come and we can build relationships with them in a calm environment. I am excited.

There was a list of things I wanted to right about but cannot remember any of them right now. Feel free to leave questions if you have any. Hope all is well in the state... How is the oil spill? Hard to tell with the media... would love to know.

Oh and I just heard that a group of missionaries in Boston were killed in a car wreck tonight. They were from Tennessee I believe. Pray for these families.

6:04 AM

argh to pic too

Ok so facebook wont let me upload pics or video either.. but I will figure it out !! Make sure you read the two serious post I posted today.. think they were knocked off the page! Have a wonderful day

5:40 AM

Argh to the videos!!!

I have some really cool videos and pics as I have said many times. Right now the internet is so slow that it will take about 30 mins for a 15 second video. Impossible. I am trying to upload some pics onto facebook and hopefully then can get them on here. I will find some way to share, because now its just become annoying lol! Check back soon!!!!

5:39 AM

University days

Well we have been at the University for three days now. And a very long three days it has been I might add!

We are at a university that is about a 15 min bus ride right down the road from us. In short it is called SPU. I have not clue how to pronounce the full name. The campus is very small, but very, very pretty. There are about 12 building in total, but all of them are at least 16 stories tall. The landscaping is very pretty too. There are flowers and fountains and plenty of benches to sit and talk with students. There are two cafe's to eat at on campus with a wide range of cheap foods. There are also some great coffee shops and ice cream as well. Its funny because one of the hot spots is called "Mys cupcakes", seriously, what can I say but I am famous!

The Americans are split up into two teams on campus. The Texas team is working with the engineering department and the others are working in liberal arts. Both however are helping students learn more English. These first couple of days have really been focus on learning the ropes, getting comfortable with the campus, and trying to meet new students. A typical day however will consist of us getting on campus around 10:00 A.M until 4:00 P.M. We usually will have a class in the morning in which two Americans will teach English, or assist in another everyday class. Then we will try to have lunch with students that we meet, followed by tutoring in the afternoon, as well as hanging on campus with the students. As much as this sounds like a job and that we are really there to help the university, which I guess we are, the main point of us being there is to meet students in a everyday situation, invest in them a little, help them out a little, and then invite them to our off campus activities where we can share the gospel with them.

These last several days have been interesting. I have met numerous students by simply walking up and asking if I could sit down with them. Of course they say yes because we are Americans. Most students know enough English that we can have a very small normal conversation. What is your name.. How old are you.. do you have siblings.. so on so on. And then from there we try to ask for their information so we can contact them again. I have had a few interesting stories to say the least. All I will say , and I will leave It at this, is there have been a few very pretty girls I have talk to that ended up not being girls or (pretty boys). Hm.... But other then those few everyone is great. Our goal is to be as consistent as possible by running into as many of the same students each day as we can. Most students have their everyday hang out spot so that helps. The school gave each team a room to invite students to to try to help them with English, here we can also play games with them. On the weekends we will invite the students we have met throughout the week to different activities. When those come up I will let you know how they go.

Every night I pray for God to send those into my path that I am suppose to invest in. Its a slow process trying to learn the ropes myself as well as meet students but I know in a week or so there will be those that my heart will be burden for. I know the Lord is in control of these situations. I believe in relationship and really hope that some can spring up from the small conversations. Obviously there are some major barriers between us and them. The biggest, of course, would be the language. But also the fact that we are American they become very shy. Please pray that God will break down those walls and stand in their place. Its been really neat to see how already some of us have connected with students that we don't understand at all. Today, for example, I was in a lab and these boys were next to me. I look over and on the computer screen was a message to me that said " Hello America, How are You?". I then realized that they were on the google conversation translator. I had about an hour long conversation using this google translator with these guys. See.... technology is a good thing.

After we leave campus we go straight to a mall to eat supper. Our goal is to invite as many Thai students with us as we can. Many many students spend their evenings at the mall each night, the social place. Hopefully more students will begin to come with us to super. Here we can be much more relaxed.

Personally I would like you to pray for courage for me. This seems to be an overwhelming task to try to take on with the language barrier. The days are long, and HOT. Pray for energy and health for the entire team. Some of the team has already gotten sick. We are all resting in the peace that God has his hand in these relationships and it might take time. However, please pray for patience as we wait on Gods timing. Things can become repetitive quickly and you loose the push you had at the beginning when you do not see a quick result. Pray for persistence, understanding, and wisdom for the entire team. These students need Jesus, and in some of their eyes you can tell they are searching. I know my God can do big and MIGHTY things through our team this summer. Hopefully soon we will have some cool stories of some relationships that have sprung fourth.

As of now I am going to do everything in my power to get some pictures and videos up. I hope to blog again this weekend. Thank you all for the enormous amour of encouragement and prayer. It is needed. I am having a blast, and everything is getting better each day!

5:38 AM

Random tid bits

A bit of random information

Howdy Yall. Just thought I would share a few quick tid bits with ya about how things are around here.

Our Hotel.

Our hotel is actually pretty nice. Its actually called the nice hotel.. ha ha ha. Its not a five star or anything, but it is clean. We pay about 15 dollars a night to stay here. All the Americans are on levels 6 and 7 so its nice to have our own part of the hotel. Everyone one is friendly but internet is stinking expensive, at least to me. We each have one room mate. I LOVE that a maid comes in everyday and cleans our room. We have a balcony with a pretty cool view as well.

The church.

The baptist church we are working with is right across the street. This is great because we do our laundry as well as have meetings there. We have not been able to attend a church service yet but I will let you all know how it goes on Sunday.


Everyday we ride the bus to the university. It cost about 11 baht. Just to explain there are 32 baht in a dollar. Our budget is about 160 baht per day for transportation... so we are saving there! A few times we have taken a taxi, however those are much more expensive. I use to think taking a taxi was "shady", but here its a part of everyday life. Bangkok also has a sky-train, and a subway, which I have not ridden in yet, but will soon. Traffic is crazy, if there are traffic laws no one is following them. There are lanes, but no one stay in them. You go when you want to go, and stop when you want to stop. Motor scooters weave through everywhere, jump sidewalks, cut in front of buses, anything. But surprisingly enough I have only seen one very very small fender bender since I have been here. Tonight was the first night that I rode the bus with some girls and not a Thai person. We did great and did not get lost. And yes mom... I was safe!


Food is.. well.. ok I guess. You easily can find any American food here that you want, but you will pay American prices. Tonight I had KFC, it was AMAZING! At the university I can get a full meal for about a dollar, so cheap. I am about sick of rice and chicken, so I better find something else quick. They have some amazing desserts too! EVERYWHERE you go around here there is a place to buy food. Seriously down every street and every corner there is a food vendor. This makes for some BAD smells. A "took took" was driving down the street today and almost ran me over, he was selling live insects to eat... enough said. If you know me very well you should be proud of me that I have eaten ALOT of fruit since I have been here. The fruit here is so sweet and fresh. I like it alot actually!

Thai people

The Thai people are so wonderful. They call Thailand the land of smiles. The name holds true. Everywhere we have gone we have been treated with such great hospitality. The first thing they ask you when you meet them is " have you eaten yet?". If not they will feed you. You never touch a Thai person on the head, and feet are suppose to me ignored. It is hot, and the people are sweaty, but I have not smelt any BO so far. The only bad smells are the street food. I cannot wait to meet more of these people. They are so kind.


The sun comes up about five and sets before 8. Not day light savings time. They also go by
"army" time. This can be annoying at moments. We are exactly 12 hours ahead of Texas. So like now its 7 at night and and 7 in the morning in Texas.'
Funny story
We were teaching some students how to play the game, "gorilla, man, gun". Kind of like rock, paper, scissors. You say, " Gorilla beat the man, man beat the gun, gun beat the gorilla".. but at the end of it you say, " if you tie you die". Well lets just say the only thing they catch is the last phrase.. and something about that is just not right.. see if you catch it! New game is needed I think! Lol

I know there are more random things to tell, but I will have to think of them later

7:34 AM

As far as you can go, I went!

Hey Guys! This blog might be kinda long, but worth the read!

When people say take the gospel to the ends of the earth, well I pretty much got to. Wow! Where to begin? First off… I’m alive with no bruises, as is the rest of the team! Praise Jesus! Let me start from the beginning of the upcountry trip.

So Wednesday morning we woke up about 6:30 A.M and had a American style buffet. It was scrumdiliumumptious (can you say that three times fast??) !!!!! We had four village people come down and pick us up in trucks. Now when I say trucks I do not me a duly truck with a bed the size of Texas, no no no, much smaller. We had four small Toyota trucks that all 21 American students, our translator/pastor, 4 village people, 30 backpacks and a weeks worth of food had to fit in. Needless to say, it was a little cramped. I was in the back of a truck with 6 other students for 6 hours; obviously it’s not illegal here. There was PLENTY of time for bonding. At first we were all in our little spot, but by the end of the 6 hours we were literally laying on top of each other. If you didn’t like the people you were riding with you either dealt with it or you were soon to be in much misery. Luckily I picked a great group to ride with, GO TEXAS! It didn’t take much time to get out of Chang Mai, soon we were on winding, curving, up and down, all around roads. We had paved roads, cement roads, brick roads, dirt roads, rock roads, grass roads, and NO roads. Seriously this place was in the middle of no where! We had to stop for motorcycles, people, dogs, hogs, chickens, goats, cows, and even…. Elephants (well ok the elephants were on the side of the road but still, they were there)! I have been to many many beautiful places, but nothing even comes close to the beauty I saw on the ride. We were driving through the jungle/rainforest. Yes, it rained, a lot! The clouds were seriously floating across the road. I sat in awe of how beautiful the earth is. God did such a great job. Our team felt an urge to worship, so for several hours we sang old hymns. It was the most amazing experience. Everything from the ground to the sky was screaming the name of the Lord. I do not understand how you could miss seeing him. I am still thanking God for this time we were able to have glorifying his name, deeply lost in his creation.

We arrived in the village at about 7:00 P.M that night, soaking wet I might add. Driving into the village was like driving into a movie. Crazy! All the children chased the trucks screaming “ Swatikah”, or hello, as they “Why” us ( a bowing movement). Most precious thing I had ever seen.

The girls stayed at the pastor of the village house. But let me explain what a “house” is. A house is a cement ground (if your lucky) with slates on the walls and a tin roof. No doors, no windows, and very little furniture. BUT, VERY clean! Everyone had to take of their shoes before they were able to enter. The girls stayed upstairs. We slept on the ground, with a thin mat, under mosquito nets. Very adventurous huh? To use the restroom you had to go outside through the mud and into a shack. In that shack there was a little hole in the ground, aka, the toilet. Right next to that hole in the ground was a bucket of water, aka, the shower. Let me just announce that Amy Parker is now the master of not only the squatty potty, but a complete head to toe shower with about 10 scoops of water. Memories made there, ha ha ha! We were awakened at 2:30 A.M every morning by the rooster crows, which meant by 5:00 A.M we all finally gave in and got up. Thus I went bed at 8:00 every night. Big change! Our pastor/leader, P-lek was amazingly generous and cooked every meal for us. He did not want us to take a chance with the food there. I think its funny that some of the best meals I have ever had were in that village. Yum yum! So much for staying fit this summer! On our down time we were able to really bond as a team. We played dozens of rounds of Uno, Thai Uno, and mafia. The Lord really blessed us and grew us as a team.

The first night we were there the village had a welcoming service for us. They actually have village announcements over a loud speaker. Oh sooo funny. They even did announcements every moring at 6:00 A.M. I wish I knew what they were saying. Anyhow…, at the welcoming service different groups stood up and sang. Let me tell you, these people can sing! They had some of the most beautiful music. The neatest part however was that the sang many traditional hymns, but in their language. It was the coolest feeling to be able to sing along, worshiping the same God, in two different languages. Oh I forgot to add that this village is 90 % Christians, because several years ago the same team came up and shared the gospel. So this was a continuing thing.

So the first morning we woke up and made breakfast. They cook in a metal bucket with coals in it. We had toast. God answered a very selfish prayer of mine that morning when they brought out the condensed milk. Thai people love to eat things with condensed milk on it. Perfect. I put it on everything... need I say more? Anyhow, after breakfast we went down to the river to gather rocks rocks rocks and sand sand sand. The project we were working on was building a cement fence around the orphanage. To our surprise the village women were down at the river, ready to help. I had the time of my life with those women. I got in the water and began doing what they were doing, scooping up rocks. These ladies radiated with joy. They were such hard workers. I quickly made several new friends. The first ladies name was kiki… I think. But since I could not hear it right I called her kit-kat. She loved it. Another lady kept showing me she could count to three and that I could call her three. Another lady plain as day said her name was Polly… random… but there you have it. But the last lady was sure that I was not going to give her a nickname and that I would learn her name. Her name was Ellapu, and I still have no idea how to say it or spell it. We played and played, we splashed and splashed, like children. They kept saying “Amy Amy” and splashed me. The only other words they knew was “naughty” and “buffalo”. So they kept saying naughty Amy; it was great stuff! Kit-kat somehow learned how to say sit down and continually would say Amy sit down, and would point to my red hands; so sweet. I thoroughly enjoyed having this time. They are just like us, just… different.

Later that day we went to another part of the river to get sand. A wonderful tiring time again hanging with the village people. But the main highlight of this part of the day was one of the worst experiences of my life. We were shoveling sand out from the bottom of the river. One of my teammates shoveled up a load and we heard a Thai yell, “Poli”, I looked over and saw a snake in the sand! All the Americans ran out of the water, we looked back and all of the Thai’s were still in the water laughing at the Americans. It was really funny. But about an hour later I was standing in the river when I heard again “Poli”, but this time ALL the Thais were screaming and running out as well. I turned behind me and saw a 6 or so foot long yellow and black snake about 4 inches from my legs… wow. I didn’t know what to do expect run, and run fast. I don’t know Thia, but when that lady yelled whatever she yelled it was plain as day to me, I knew she meant SNAKE! Everyone was screaming. All I know is if the Thai’s got out its bad. I never got back into that water. Thank you God for your protection. Even the pastor thanked him from the protection of the snake later that night.

We took the evening off and hung out and continued to help build the wall the next morning. That afternoon we hiked up a mountain with some children and played soccer. I took pictures for everyone. Those kids were legit, totally beat our grown guys. It was seriously the best spot for a coca-cola commercial. Picture it will you? A bunch of American students playing soccer, on a dirt field, on top of a mountain, in the middle of the jungle, in the pouring rain, with little foreign boys… during the world cup. I’m just saying, throw in a bottle of coke and you have your perfect commercial for world cup commercial, it was that cool!

Our last full day we had a small VBS like day with the children of the village. We taught them songs, American games, and fed them rice and cookies. It was so much fun to see these children giggle. I adored them. That night we hiked about five miles up a mountain to a village that is almost completely lost and not saved. It was pouring rain so we were unable to take a truck. These villagers mostly worship buddha and ghost as the pastor told us. You could feel the darkness of this village as we walked through it. We went to a small church and began to sing hymns as loud as we could. Just the sound of Americans interested them enough to come check it out. After about an hour or so we had a full church, even in the pouring rain. Our pastor was able to share the gospel with them and we did a silent skit and sang songs. I prayed that God would open the ears of these people so that He could pour himself in. I hope that we impacted them in a way that will make them fear the Lord and seek him. But the most amazing thing was worshiping our God in a place that never worships him. The Lord’s will is perfect, he is sovereign, and He will bring down the barriers in this village when its his time. But what a blessing it was to be the tool to start chipping away at these walls. The people of this village were very appreciative, but you could tell the joy the other village people had was absent in these. Please continue to pray that God sends Christians into these parts so His name will be known in the darkest of areas.

On another note… next scariest thing in my life next to the snake. Trucks were supposed to come pick us up from the lost village to take us back to the other village. But because of all the rain they were unable to. So in the darkest night you could think of, 21 American hiked across the jungle back to our homes. Our leader was the village pastor. He carried a stick with him, but this was not a walking stick, no no no, it was a killing stick. I can still hear the beating of that stick against the ground as the killed snakes, millipedes, scorpions, and other deadly insects and animals. All we knew was when you hear the slam you freeze, stay still, and hold the flashlight straight down. We prayed the entire way home. All I knew was that if I made it home it would be a major accomplishment for us all. Again the Lord had his protection on us all. We all made it safely back after about a two hour hike of fright without once scratch on us. When we got there as loud as we could we said, “God is good all the time, all the time God is good”. And Amen to that again! As scary as it was, I am so happy it happened. How cool that I did that!!!! Yeah, I have hiked though the jungle at night, beating at the things that want to kill me… have you???

This morning we had a church service. I was asked to give my testimony; what an honor. I stood before a congregation that flooded out into the sidewalks. These people yearn for the gospel. Speaking to them about my faith was such an amazing moment for me. Indeed God is using me, my story, my struggles, and my successes, to further His name. Wow! Our group sang songs and worshiped with the people of the village. Then we got on the truck and came home…. And you can guess how that went... a stuck truck is all I will say.

Though we had no electricity, no running water, no showers, no beds, no toilets, and did not know the language, God still shook our World. He opened our eyes to the things we all want and seek to see. This morning while in church once again God revealed to me He is much bigger then I could ever think. Here I was on the other side of the world worshiping the same God that First Baptist Crane and Imperial worship. I thought of Riverstone and the BSM and all my friends worshiping with us as well. Then I thought of all the countries in the world that sing to him too. Our God is not a God of one nation, but he is a God of all nations. He is a God of all things. He is the creator, the father, the maker and the protector. And there I was, listening to a sermon I did not understand at all, but field with the Holy Spirit like never before. Next time you want to put God in a box, go to a village that’s uncharted on a map. And when you hear the cries of the believers and the worshiping of his children, then tell me God is small. But I can tell you now, you won’t be able to.

I have many more stories about this trip, and many picture and video. I would love to share more. But most of all I am thankful for seeing the beauty of God in a new way. If you would like to know about anything else please let me know. Pictures come next week when I get to Bangkok.

Continue to pray for strength, growth, and direction! Thanks for reading!

7:01 AM

Its hot, stinky, but oh so beautiful!

Still in Chang Mai. We head up to the mountain tommorrow. Should be interesting. We have a 6 hour ride in the back of a pic up truck. I can tell you one thing, I am very tired of traveling. I am having lots of fun on our one week outing, but Im ready to get to Bangkok and have routine.

Today was a great day. I slept until about five A.M but slept good! I had a wonderful American breakfast. After breakfast we took a taxi truck up a really beautiful mountain to a old old temple. It was around six hundred or so years old. Everyone had to take of their shoes before going into the temple, and girls had to put on Thai skirts. The temple was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. There was gold everywhere. But as beautiful as it was, it was very sad as well. Many people were burning incense and praying to budda. The teams just stood around and watched. I just kept praying to myself for God to reveal himself to this lost nation. You can tell in these peoples eyes that they are fearful, lonely, and hurting. I wished so many times that I knew the language, but I guess better then anything is prayer. Continue to pray that God shatters these peoples hearts in a way that they can only find joy by finding him.

After we came down from the mountain we stopped and ate at the mall. Just let me tell you that I am having a tid bit of a problem adjusting to the food here. Its not that its bad, but... maybe Im picky. So... for lunch we went to Pizza Company for a nice American pic-me-up. Seriously the best pizza I have ever had. I think I could have eaten a whole pizza by myself. The mall was so funny because it was sooo American. There was even a Dairy Queen! They played Taylor Swift over the speakers, very funny.

This afternoon we were able to rest up. I could not help but feel burden for all the people I had seen at the temple. I all of the sudden felt defeated. I felt like the task was too large and I was to small. Then God reminded me that indeed the task is too large and I am too small to do anyting. But... he has willed this for my life. Through him men our saved, not through man. I have to remind myself that God is the one doing all the work here, he is the one pulling on the hearts of these people. All I am here to do is follow his direction and be used as a tool. Please contine to pray for the team as we deal with the overwhelming feeling of feeling incabable of doing the work the Lord has put before us. The Texas team is reading through Phil right now. I think this whole book is a wonderful illistration of how tough it can be to be used as a light, but just how perfect it is as well. Please pray for our team to grow and bond. We need to build each other up daily in order to pour out to these people.

Tonight we went to Night Bazar in downtown Chang Mai. It was very very beautiful. I even found some gellato ( I am not sure how that is spelt) but it was wonderful. I can not even begin to tell you how many things there are to buy here. There are booths seriously EVERYWHERE! Everyone tries to get you to buy there cheap stuff, but you cant buy everything. The streets where we went today where much much cleaner. I really love this city. Its so pretty and unique. In the older part there is still even a moat and a large wall to keep people out.. hope there are no gators ;)

I am unable to upload videos here at this hotel. I have some really great ones but I will have to wait and share when I get back to Bagkok. Please excuse misspelled words, there is not grammer check and I only have about twenty mins each time to use the computer. Ha ha ha

I will post the about the upcountry trip on Sunday or Monday. Please pray for NO raind tommorw so we can make it up the mountain before dark! We also must sleep under net to protect us from bugs and shower with creek water. Mother... I will be fine! :)

Also contine to pray for health and adjustment. Once Im back in Bangkok I will be able to post more! Miss you guys~

1:29 AM

Chang Mai

Hey guys, quick update.

Yesterday we began our upcountry trip to Chang Mai. Its about an 8 hour lonnng bus ride north of Bangkok. I was a little woried about the bus trip, but it went great. Our bus was the nicest bus I had ever seen or been on. It was a double decker, and we all had recliners in seats. I had my first Thai food at the bus stop on the way up here. It was so bad I almost threw up. This obviously worried me somewhat because I am here for two months! But as soon as I got to the city it got much much better. Even found me some home fry potatoes! wonderful!

Last night we went to the city market. It was so amazing. Nothing at all like the markets in America. There were sooo many things to look at and buy for so cheap. I bought some of the coolest shoes for just six dollars. To eat we had to go in the temple. While we were sitting there all of the sudden a song came on, we looked around and everyone was standing up. Quickly we relized that all Thai people sing their national anthum at 6 oclock, no matter where they are.

While we were at the market, as fun as it was, I saw the first glimps of some tough stuff. There were children begging on the side of the roads with broken arms and legs. This was tough for me to see. We also saw many people worshiping idols. It is so hard for me to think about people putting there faith into a metal object.

On a lighter note, more to come on the subject above later.

A few of us got back and foot rubs in the market for two dollars. Seriously the BEST back and foot rub ever! My mother should be jealous.

Our hotel is nice, clean at least. Showers are interesting, just a hose out of the wall, in the middle of the bathroom. No curtain...

Today we went to several factories, a silk, umbrella, silver, and jewlry. It was a very neat experience to see how these things were made.

They are giving us these first few days to see some sights and catch up on sleep before we start working.

I have so much more to say and will tommorrow but I am almost out of time, and still want to post some videos.

Things are going great!!!

2:56 PM

Made it!

Well we made it to Bagkok! Took about 27 hours! I am sooo tired, still have not slept. We got in about midnight and it took us the rest of the night to get to our hotel, get in the rooms and repack for this morning. We have to be on a bus at five. About to head up country for a week, im sure I will not be able to post. But when I get back Ill show yall some cool videos and pics of the trip of here! It was an adventure for sure.

Please pray for safety and that God places the people that we need to speak to/impact in our path. Its rainy season so this could be a very wet trip we are told! Sorry for my scattered brain, have not slept in three days!

Check back in about a week!

8:27 AM

Amy's in Austin....

Yep... Amy's is in Austin... but not for long. Just told my parents and Jonathan goodbye.. no tears :) and now I am sitting at the gate! Getting exciting!!!!!! Wooo Hoo!

Forgot to tell all my friends... please do not text and call me on my cell phone. I will have another number overseas. You can facebook me.

3:17 AM

Here we go!

My bags are packed.... to the brim. I don't think I could back one more ounce closer to the 50 Ilb mark, or stuff one more sock in my back pack. Most everything is cross of my list. But as I am sitting here little things keep popping up. I actually slept last night, well until about 4:30 this morning. More then expected.

I am blessed to have some wonderful friends meeting me for breakfast at an absurd hour this morning. It will be wonderful to be with them before I hit the road, or air, or whatever. If your wondering my "last meal" will be IHOP. Lame I know. My roommate told me I should go all American and go to Waffle House, YUCK! I am just really praying IHOP holds up to its name and really is international. Worried about the food....
I am not going to be able to take my laptop with me. I hope to post something while in the airports on layovers. I fly from Austin today to Minneapolis, to Tokyo Japan, then to Bangkok Thailand. Bangkok is 12 hours ahead which makes it pretty easy. I believe I will get there at about 12:00 A.M O'clock tomorrow night (Bangkok Time). I could be wrong on that. But to say the least it will be a lonnnnnnngggg flight.
As soon as I get there I will be getting on the bus to go upcountry for a week. More likely then not, I will not be able to post anything from Bangkok until after my upcountry trip.
I am so excited! Wow, Im going to BANGKOK TODAY! HOLY SMOKES!

Please continue to pray for energy, and adjustment. Check back soon for the beginning of a really amazing thing! Ill miss you all!

Adios Texas!!!! San Marcos, you will be missed!

6:55 AM

24 hours

Wow! I will be so extremely lucky if I get my mile and a half list crossed off today. There is alot to be done when you are leaving the country for two months. A little bit overwhelming. It seems I have run into a few bumps in the road, small task have turn into to big obstacles. But somehow, just like I always do, I will get it done. And as impossible as it seems I will be on that plane tomorrow at 11:30! I just keep thinking of one of my favorite verses in Romans chapter 12:1-2, Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- HIS GOOD, PLEASING, AND PERFECT WILL!

I just keep telling myself, as frustrated as I get trying to be a perfectionist, I am completely and totally imperfect! But Christ, and his will for my life is perfect. And this chaos of checklist, phone calls, and errands, are just tasks that will get done, and if they don't, oh well!
Two weekends ago, prior to every GoNow trip, students have to go to an orientation. This weekend was time to meditate on the word and prepare our hearts as well as be informed on a load of information. After two days we had our commissioning service. I stood there in the pew like I have thousands of times before with my head bowed. But this time it felt very different. I was surrounded by hundreds of students around my age that were about to spread all around the globe carrying the good news. You could hear the fright in some of their voices, as well as the excitement. And then it hit me. I, Amy Parker, was one of those students about to go too! I thought back to all the Sunday schools, children's churches, "big" churches, revivals, GA camps, Super Summers, Disciple Nows, BSM retreats and all the conversations I had had throughout my life. This is what it was all for. Now I dont mean that just "this" trip is what God has been preparing me for, no he has been preparing me for a lifelong lifestyle that I will daily walk trying to imitate him. But I did have a feeling that all those hours of thinking, one day Ill be that missionary, had come true. As scared as I might be, I am equipped, only with the help of Jesus, but I am equipped.
I few weeks ago I was asked by my BSM director to go talk at a small baptist church. He asked me to give my testimony as well as discuss my trip. One of the things I felt led to talk about was what a missionary is. A missionary is not only one who gets on a plane and flys halfway around the world. Some of us are called to be those, but we are ALL called to be "missionaries" daily. The misconception I had in my mind all these years what that a missionary was only foreign. This is completely and utterly false.
Tomorrow I will get on a plane and fly half way across the world on a mission trip to Thailand which will last two months. And then I will get on a plane that will bring me home to oh so wonderful TEXAS and I will be on a mission trip that will last me the rest of my life. So what I am trying to say is, there is no secret divine power over there that makes it a mission trip. The Holy Ghost is there, here, and where you are as well.
I am so thrilled to have been given this opportunity. Some of can't go thousands of miles, but I can, thus I will. I am challenged to believe I can do this, but believe it or not, Im about to.
I ask for your prayers as I am saying goodbye to family and friends.

1:57 PM

Where in the World is Amy?

I cant believe that in just three more days I will get on an airplane and fly half way around the world. To be exact its 9190.812 miles if I figured it right. Its about as far around the world as you can go before you start coming back. Bangkok Thailand, crazy to me still. Thailand always seemed so extremely foreign to me growing up. Honestly until I got to college I could not even tell you where Thailand was, sad I know. One thing I did have right is it is foreign, and it is far.

There is a team of six Texas college students traveling over together. We are all from different state universities, mine being the best, Go bobcats! :) Like me, most of us have never been overseas. This will be a new experience for sure for all of us. We all come from very different backgrounds, with very different personalities, likes, and dislikes. But I am thrilled with the people God has chosen for this team. It will be a wonderful mesh of personalities that are all made in the image of Christ. How neat! I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to use our team.
When we arrive in Bangkok we will jump on a bus and travel several hours upcountry to rural Thailand. There we will stay in villages and interact with the natives. It will be a real stretching experience for us. We will stay in the jungle about a week and a half helping out however we can. Hopefully we can share Christ with this lost people group. After that week and a half we will head back to Bangkok.
Once we are back in Bangkok we will begin our ministries at the universities. As of now all we know is that we will be teaching English to Thai students. I feel sorry for my students, they might learn a few "Texan" words thrown in with the appropriate "English" ones! Like "fixin" and "waRsh" Ha ha. Obviously our ultimate goal will be to share Christ with these students, but smaller goals are just to invest and pour into their lives in a way that Jesus would, by loving them. Upon our departure we hope to have introduced the students to local Thai Christians and churches.
I heard ill be a rock-star over there since I'm American. Pretty pumped about that! ha ha But more then anything I am looking forward to the Lord revealing himself to me in a way he never has.
There is much more to come! Keep checking back!!!