9:22 PM

It all leads up to this..

aSo sorry I have not posted an update in a while. Lots of amazing things have been going on, but I'm just too busy. I will inform you of this past week on Monday I hope, but for right now I just ask you to pray for us.

As you know all summer we have been building relationships with these students. Many of us have all ready been given the opportunity to share the gospel with them, and a few still have not heard it yet. Some students are really seeking the truth, while others just take it as a history lesson.

None the less, in a just a few hours we will be taking 20+ eager as well as non-eager students to a resort for the weekend. Here we will be working on English, playing games, and sharing Christ. I am so excited to see what will happen this weekend.

I will be sure to update you as soon as I get home on what is going on, but I ask one favor of you... pray!
Its kinda cool really to think about it, you in America, me in Thailand, and our Father in Heaven. But yet distance does not matter when it comes to the power of prayer. We have been blessed with missionaries here, a place to go, money and food, and now we need God to work. As believers and brothers and sister in Christ we are called to pray for each other. Many of you committed to this when I came, so now is your chance to make it happen. Here is a list of things you can pray for.

1) Safety- Traveling there and back. Safety at the resort, while sleeping ans spending time together.

2) Health- That everyone feels their best the entire time. Missionaries and students.

3) Fellowship- That God shows how to have true fellowship between believers and non- believers

4) Direction and Wisdom- For believers and non-believers

5)Faith that God can and will fulfill his good, perfect, and pleasing will in his timing!

6) Rest

7) Salvation and Truth- Non-believers to seek Jesus, and find him

8) Understanding- that even though we might not see "results" that we know the Holy spirit is working

9) That God reveals himself to us, that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and that we grow and abide in him like never before. Pray we learn even more how to depend on our father, how to pray to our father, and how to glorify the name of our father.

There are many more things that we need and should pray about, so this is not a complete list by any means. I ask you to keep us in your thoughts this weekend. I know that we are just planting the seed and it takes a long time for that seed to grow sometimes. But pray that when that seed is planted that it can be watered, and soon enough can grow.

In a lot of ways this is one of the last times we will really get to spend quality time with the students.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Love you guys!