7:01 AM

Its hot, stinky, but oh so beautiful!

Still in Chang Mai. We head up to the mountain tommorrow. Should be interesting. We have a 6 hour ride in the back of a pic up truck. I can tell you one thing, I am very tired of traveling. I am having lots of fun on our one week outing, but Im ready to get to Bangkok and have routine.

Today was a great day. I slept until about five A.M but slept good! I had a wonderful American breakfast. After breakfast we took a taxi truck up a really beautiful mountain to a old old temple. It was around six hundred or so years old. Everyone had to take of their shoes before going into the temple, and girls had to put on Thai skirts. The temple was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. There was gold everywhere. But as beautiful as it was, it was very sad as well. Many people were burning incense and praying to budda. The teams just stood around and watched. I just kept praying to myself for God to reveal himself to this lost nation. You can tell in these peoples eyes that they are fearful, lonely, and hurting. I wished so many times that I knew the language, but I guess better then anything is prayer. Continue to pray that God shatters these peoples hearts in a way that they can only find joy by finding him.

After we came down from the mountain we stopped and ate at the mall. Just let me tell you that I am having a tid bit of a problem adjusting to the food here. Its not that its bad, but... maybe Im picky. So... for lunch we went to Pizza Company for a nice American pic-me-up. Seriously the best pizza I have ever had. I think I could have eaten a whole pizza by myself. The mall was so funny because it was sooo American. There was even a Dairy Queen! They played Taylor Swift over the speakers, very funny.

This afternoon we were able to rest up. I could not help but feel burden for all the people I had seen at the temple. I all of the sudden felt defeated. I felt like the task was too large and I was to small. Then God reminded me that indeed the task is too large and I am too small to do anyting. But... he has willed this for my life. Through him men our saved, not through man. I have to remind myself that God is the one doing all the work here, he is the one pulling on the hearts of these people. All I am here to do is follow his direction and be used as a tool. Please contine to pray for the team as we deal with the overwhelming feeling of feeling incabable of doing the work the Lord has put before us. The Texas team is reading through Phil right now. I think this whole book is a wonderful illistration of how tough it can be to be used as a light, but just how perfect it is as well. Please pray for our team to grow and bond. We need to build each other up daily in order to pour out to these people.

Tonight we went to Night Bazar in downtown Chang Mai. It was very very beautiful. I even found some gellato ( I am not sure how that is spelt) but it was wonderful. I can not even begin to tell you how many things there are to buy here. There are booths seriously EVERYWHERE! Everyone tries to get you to buy there cheap stuff, but you cant buy everything. The streets where we went today where much much cleaner. I really love this city. Its so pretty and unique. In the older part there is still even a moat and a large wall to keep people out.. hope there are no gators ;)

I am unable to upload videos here at this hotel. I have some really great ones but I will have to wait and share when I get back to Bagkok. Please excuse misspelled words, there is not grammer check and I only have about twenty mins each time to use the computer. Ha ha ha

I will post the about the upcountry trip on Sunday or Monday. Please pray for NO raind tommorw so we can make it up the mountain before dark! We also must sleep under net to protect us from bugs and shower with creek water. Mother... I will be fine! :)

Also contine to pray for health and adjustment. Once Im back in Bangkok I will be able to post more! Miss you guys~


Jonathan Moore said...

I fixed it :) YAY! Now people should be able to leave comments. Miss you!!

Heather said...

yay Jonathan!! really enjoyin these posts amy :) i actually started my own blog because of some things you said. see you soon!

Lizzy said...

We talked about Thailand in Geo today...and it made me want to be there instead of sitting in class :/ so have enough fun for me too!!

Love you!

jeremy, sara and thad said...

Thanks for keeping your blog updated! I'm Joshua the red-head's sister-in-law and found your blog posted on the GoNow website.
Your whole team is in our prayers! -Sara B.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am Ashley Smith's Mom, Thanks for keeping your blog updated, WE are praying for all of you! Robin Smith